Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Installing Exchange 2013 UM Language Packs

Following on from my previous article on Exchange 2013 UM integration with Lync, I said I would blog on how to install the language packs. This hasn’t really changed at all from Exchange 2010.
To download available UM language packs for Exchange 2013 see here.
To see my previous blog on installing and removing language packs for Exchange 2010 Unified Messaging see here.
Browse to the BIN directory to confirm setup.exe is present
In a command prompt move to the BIN directory
Run the following command:
It will then open a new window and begin installation:
Please hold.
Hold a little longer.
All done! Once completed the window will close.
If we now open up the EAC and browse to | Unified Messaging | Dial Plans | Properties of Dial Plan | Settings |  we should now see the additional language pack available:
Set your required default.

To perform the same action in Powershell we would perform: Set-UMDialPlan –Identity ‘DialPlan’ –DefaultLanguage ‘languagepack’ In my example below it is en-GB
Ensure the Language pack is installed on all Back End servers that are in the Dial Plan. It doesn’t need to be installed on your Front End servers.
That’s it!

I'll look to write a PS script to automate this across Back Ends and Dial Plans - stay tuned.

Take care,
Oliver Moazzezi - MVP Exchange Server


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