Following on from the announcement that this web tool is now available. I thought I would go through the steps in upgrading an Exchange 2003 Environment to 2010.
From the first page i select my chosen scenario, to upgrade from Exchange 2003

Once you have chosen your selected scenario you will be presented with questions concerning your environment. You can see here I am asked certain important questions, including, am I planning to support Public Folders? Am i planning to support the Unified Messaging role? and am I planning to move all users at once?

Once you have selected your chosen upgrade path options we can proceed.
You will now see the Navigation checklist page - this can be taken as a general FAQ and contains some well written information to help you on your way.

The first step ExDeploy will start you with is the installation of the Client Access Server role, and then subsequently adding SSL certificates to secure services

It will show you take you through the steps to enable Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTPs for those that would be more familiar with this term when coming from Exchange 2003).

I'll move onto the next role, the Hub Transport role, but ExDeploy will carry on with the Client Access Server, helping configure OAB and Web Services directories, including detail on virtual directories.
ExDeploy contains the right amount of detail for deployment, and in some cases showing actual screenshots from the Exchange Management Console

Moving on to the Mailbox Server role. ExDeploy allows you to minimise information, which is a handy feature - just giving you the deployment steps you need for your immediate needs. You can see i have minimised all information here on the steps for installing the Mailbox Server role.

Once you have gone through the steps you can tick each one off, leaving you to finally reach the Checklist Complete stage, with hopefully a deployed Exchange 2010 infrastructure in a working state.

There's a feeback submittal option - it shows Microsoft is listening.
Oliver Moazzezi
MVP - Exchange Server