Tuesday 19 April 2011

Hosted Exchange 2010 Webinar Today

Just a quick post to say this is starting at 1pm GMT. You can sign up here


Oliver Moazzezi MVP - Exchange Server

Thursday 14 April 2011

#CloudPro @asktechnetuk Twitter Event 15/04/2011


I will be one of many on a panel for Technet tomorrow (@asktechnetuk) where you can ask questions in a live Twitter Q&A!

Topics will covered will be based on what YOU want to hear advice on, such as Exchange, SQL, Powershell, Cloud Hosting, Virtualization and System Centre.

I will be one of a number of MVPs including

- Vikas Sahni – SQL Azure MVP: @sahnivi
- Myles Jeffrey – Office365 MVP: @mjthinkscape
- Mark Rendle – Windows Azure MVP: @markrendle
- Damian Flynn – Virtual Machine MVP: @damian_flynn
- Oliver Moazzezi – Exchange Server MVP: @OliverMoazzezi
- Patrick Lowdns – Virtual Machine MVP: @PatrickLownds
- Thomas Lee – Powershell, MVP

Microsoft experts will also be on hand to answer questions.
See you there!

Oliver Moazzezi MVP - Exchange Server

Thursday 7 April 2011

BES 5 SP3 MR1– already available

Just 2 days after releasing BES 5 SP3 for Exchange, now BES 5 SP3 MR1 has hit the web. Just a couple of updates which I have copied and pasted below.

Release notes: http://docs.blackberry.com/en/admin/deliverables/26577/BlackBerry_Enterprise_Server_for_Microsoft_Exchange-Maintenance_Release_Notes--1561918-0404053903-001-5.0.3-US.pdf

Software download: https://swdownloads.blackberry.com/Downloads

What's new

The BlackBerry® Enterprise Trait Tool includes a new trait named ExchangeEnablePropertyPromotion. This trait specifies if and how the BlackBerry Messaging Agent promotes MAPI properties. The possible values are:

  • 0 – Disabled
  • 1 - The BlackBerry Messaging Agent promotes MAPI properties on all folder reloads, if required.
  • 2 - The BlackBerry Messaging Agent promotes MAPI properties on all folder reloads, if required, except for the first folder reload. On the first folder reload the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not promote MAPI properties.

Example: To disable the promotion of MAPI properties for the BlackBerry Domain, type traittool -global -trait ExchangeEnablePropertyPromotion -set 0.

Example: To disable the promotion of MAPI properties for a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server instance, type traittool -server <server_name> -trait ExchangeEnablePropertyPromotion -set 0.

For information about using the BlackBerry Enterprise Trait Tool, see the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Administration Guide.

Fixed issues

BlackBerry Administration Service
If one BlackBerry® Administration Service instance sent a reconciliation task to a second instance, and the connection between the instances dropped before the second instance could notify the first that the reconciliation was complete, reconciliation stopped on all BlackBerry Administration Service instances. The first BlackBerry Administration Service instance then wrote the following error to its log file: “org.jboss.remoting.CannotConnectException: Can not get connection to server. Problem establishing socket connection for InvokerLocator [sslsocket:”. The BlackBerry Administration Service checks for unprocessed reconciliation events every 24 hours and restarts them at that time. For more information, contact RIM Support. (DT 1159175)

BlackBerry Messaging Agent
In some circumstances email messages were not delivered promptly because of high disk I/O on Microsoft® Exchange 2010 mailbox servers. (DT 1141515)

Happy patching.

Daniel Noakes

Converting a mailbox to a linked mailbox, improvements in Exchange 2010 SP1

In Exchange 2007 and 2010 you have to perform two actions to accomplish this. First Disable-Mailbox and then Connect-Mailbox, specifying the linked account to convert the mailbox upon re-attachement into a linked mailbox.

The problem with this method is that it removes all Exchange attributes, basically resetting them. The mailbox is in a disconnected state and until you re-attach the mailbox and re-apply Exchange attributes (email addresses just one example) you can potentially bounce mail.

Exchange 2010 SP1 has a new feature that isn't spoken of (infact TechNet documentation here still points to the above method!) This new command will automatically convert the mailbox to a linked mailbox without any disconnection or loss of Exchange attributes, and will automatically disable the account when applying the linked user.

Set-User -Identity Oliver@contoso.com -linkeddomaincontroller UserAccoundForestDC -LinkedCredential $(Get-Credential accountforestdomainadmin) -linkedmasteraccount Oliver@fabrikam.com

Try it, it works great!

Oliver Moazzezi MVP - Exchange Server

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Lync Server 2010 Visio Stencil: What is your favourite shape?

In February Microsoft published the Lync Server 2010 Visio Stencil, which I have been using to produce designs for our hosted solution.

My favourite shape has to be Microphone, it just looks a bit funny to me and I’m sure not many people have free standing devices like this. What is your favourite shape?

Microphone - Lync Server 2010 Visio Stencil

You can download the Lync Server 2010 Visio Stencil here, http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=65b5a396-2c87-445d-be23-d324727d19cb.

Daniel Noakes