Friday, 25 March 2011

Exchange 2010 holiday calendar with delegate approval

After a recent migration from dedicated to hosted Exchange 2010 we needed to provide solutions for a few shared public folder calendars, one of which was used for booking holiday. The solution was a resource mailbox with the addition of delegate approval.

This should work with any Exchange 2010 service that supports remote PowerShell access.

The mailbox can be easily created in ECP, although I chose to use PowerShell. I also created a distribution group for the delegates, don’t forget to add members.

New-Mailbox –Name “Holiday” –Room

New-DistributionGroup –Name HolidayAdmins | Set-DistributionGroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true

I then setup the calendar processing parameters.

Set-CalendarProcessing –Identity “Holiday” –ResourceDelegates “HolidayAdmins”

Set-CalendarProcessing –Identity “Holiday” –AllBookInPolicy $false –AllRequestInPolicy $true –AutomateProcessing AutoAccept –AdditionalResponse “Holiday request has been submitted. Confirmation will be sent separately.” –EnforceSchedulingHorizon $false –AllowConflicts $true

Users can now book holiday by adding the Holiday resource to meeting. Members of the distribution group (managers/HR) will receive a delegated meeting request which can be accepted or declined.


Daniel Noakes


elad plotzky said...

i have a question about that
matter, which parameter in the
exchange indicates that appointment
date is an holiday or not?

Pats said...

Hello Daniel,

How do you generate reports about the usage of the Holiday Shared Resource?

I have a requirement where-in the usage of the Shared Resource needs to be sent to Payroll. Is there any means of doing the same?


Unknown said...

I just found this trying to recreate our existing holiday calendar model to a new solution, I must say this is most useful, thanks!

- Adam

Unknown said...

I'm trying to recreate our existing holiday approval system on an entirely new environment, and this seems to be the exact one used on my E14 servers...

Thanks for posting!

- Adam