Thursday, 2 February 2017

Skype for Business: "There was a problem acquiring a personal certificate required to sign in"

Hello all,

Just another quick one today. I was faced with this error this morning when arriving at my desk and thought I would share the resolution.

Multiple sign in attempts failed, even after restarting the client. After coming across this kb article I simply selected 'Delete my sign-in info'.

I was then able to sign in succesfully.

It appears there was cached user sign in credential corruption or possibly an issue or corruption with the certificate - deleting the sign in information resolved the issue.

Take care,

Oliver Moazzezi – Office Servers and Services MVP
Twitter: @Olivermoazzezi

Office 365 geo phone number tenant: Your request can't be completed right now. Please try again later.

If you have an Office 365 tenant with Skype for Business with Cloud PBX and PSTN calling you may find that you will be in a scenario where a user gets the following error message:

So what could the problem be is the user is licensed correctly, there's a number to assign to the user and you have a validated emergency location for the required locale?

Well is turns out there are three pieces to this puzzle: You need a validated address for the location, a phone number to assign to the user in the location, and further, the users license location must also match.

So this means the following information must all be aligned:

User license location/locale

Validated emergency location

- and of course a phone number in the correct location. You will find that if you have to change your users license location you may have to wait up to 24 hours before it will work and you won't get the dreaded "Your request can't be completed right now. Please try again later." message.

I have of course asked for a better error message to be displayed, and if you are sure all three of these settings match and it is still not working - raise a case to your advisor or Microsoft support, as you may find the change has not replicated out of Azure Active Directory and into the Skype for Business Forest your Skype tenant resides in. This issue actually affected a tenant I was working with and required Microsoft interaction to resolve the replication issue.

Have a great week!

Oliver Moazzezi – Office Servers and Services MVP
Twitter: @Olivermoazzezi